Odds are you thought of Cape Cod; that sandy crook of land that corrals Cape Cod Bay and all of the stripers, blues and other fish that swim in her waters.
But what about the Bay State's Shawmut Peninsula? Ever heard of it? Well, if you live in, work in or have visited Boston, you've more than likely walked all over it.
Boston - 1630
When Puritan colonists founded Boston in 1630, the landmass the colonists occupied had a remarkably different shape from the Boston we're familiar with today. Known as the Shawmut Peninsula, the landmass had a slew of natural bays surrounding its perimeter and a narrow neck, or isthmus, connecting it to the mainland. Take a closer look at the map above, courtesy of the Boston history and architecture website, iBoston. Notice anything missing? Move on to a more recent time...
Boston - 1830
200 years after the founding of Boston, Bostonians made the first substantial change to the shape of the Shawmut Peninsula when they filled in Mill Pond. Today, this filled-in area of the Hub comprises Bulfinch Triangle.
Boston -1845
By 1845, Bostonians had made two more substantial changes to the Hub. While South Cove and Great Cove were once small, sheltered bays, they are now filled-in areas of coastal land. Hey, wait a second, those 19th century Bostonians filled in the historic spot of the Boston Tea Party! But, in their defense, they also gave us a great location for the New England Aquarium.
Boston - 1865
Boston - 1890